This blog post written by Tiffany, Surrogate Mother
Sadly, I don't have much energy to write a full blog post today, or even correct the typos, but will give some small updates until we can write out the big day of the birth.
Readers digest version, my water broke about 2:15pm on Friday, November 9th 2012 - the exact day the babies turned 34 weeks gestation. I was in the middle of doing a 24 hour urinalysis, collecting urine for 24 hours to test to see if I had pre eclampsia (high blood pressure and swelling led my doctor to think I may). We arrived at the hospital around 3:15 and James and Natalie made it around 4:30. The babies were born shortly after, via vaginal delivery, no epideral (although I did finally call for one and he was about to put it in when Baby A came out, more on that later). Parker was born at 7:30pm weighing 4lb 14 oz and 18 1/4 in and Levi was born at 7:42 weighing 4lbs 3.9 oz and 17 1/2 inch.
They have been in the NICU fighting strong to eat. Natalie has been pumping her breast milk and was even able to nurse Levi at one point. They both needs strong thoughts right now, or if it's prayers you do, you can do that too. They are sleeping lots but need to be holding down some food soon. Since they were only 34 weeks, they still a ways to go and are not out of the woods yet.
I lost 1,000 cc's of blood during delivery and tore in some fun places (more on that later), and ended up having severe pre eclampsia. I do feel pretty sick and very weak, but I also feel on the mend. I am still in the hospital and waiting to see the doctor today if she will let me go home. I love being taken care of by this amazing staff but I also miss my boys so much and would love to go home soon.
As a result of being so sick, I have not see the babies yet! I was able to see Parker very briefly during delivery as James was holding him next to me when I delivered Levi, but if was so fast. I tried Friday and yesterday several times to go to the bathroom and then hope to go to the wheel chair to go see them but have been too sick. We are hoping today my body will let me and I can be wheeled into the nursery to see my nephews, the little men I grew for the past 8 months.
I will write more of the full birth story later and updates on the twins when I am not so weak. Thank you everyone for all the comments, emails, messages, meal train, love, prayers, thoughts, We have been joyously overwhelmed by this community that has given us so much strength.
Also thank you to my amazing husband who has been taking care of the kids alone for so many months, working, taking care of me, and then filmed the whole birth, sound, film etc, handled the updates and phone calls with friends and family AND still stood my side when I was sick and needing him during one of the craziest births ever. He needs a champagne bubble bath STAT.
In the mean time, I am so happy for James and Natalie to have their two new sons in the world to love and raise. It's going to be an even more amazing journey than this one.
James, Natalie, Sean, Hunter and Tiffany all together after the birth of the twins.